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How to Create a Backyard Water Garden

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Looking to create a tranquil space to escape the hectic pace of life? A water garden can do just that, as it brings soothing sounds of water, darting dragon flies, fish and thriving aquatic plants to your yard. If you have the DIY skills and the space, installing a water garden could make a great backyard project that can even boost your home’s property value. Follow these steps to install this peaceful and modern landscape feature that will surely make a lasting impression.

Choose an Appropriate Container

The first step to creating a water garden is choosing an appropriate container. You can create a grand in-ground pond with a liner, or build a smaller version in a shallow container. The latter might be a good alternative if you have a small yard, patio, or even an apartment deck. If the idea of creating a large water garden seems intimidating, you may want to start small, then expand it down the line.

Choose a Good Viewing Spot

Be sure to place the water garden in a good spot for viewing. Not only will you be bringing a little bit of nature to your yard, but it can also act as a stress reliever. This is because looking at and hearing the peaceful sounds of water can help relax the mind as well as lower blood pressure. Adding a feature such as a fountain or a waterfall can help accomplish this.

Add Plants

The next step is to add floating, rooted, submerged, and marginal plants. Including these diverse flora and fauna can help maintain the delicate balance of the pond’s ecosystem. You can also incorporate fish depending on the size of the water garden— such as goldfish, guppies, or koi. Fish can help keep mosquitos at bay and their excrement can provide nutrients for the aquatic plants.

Help the Environment

Water gardens are incredibly beneficial to the environment as well. Traditional lawn care, planting, and gardening require constant watering and upkeep. However, a water garden is self-sustaining: It keeps aquatic plants alive without having to tend to them. This can have a positive impact on the environment as it enables you to cut back your water consumption. Moreover, the moving water produces negatively charged ions that can help remove toxins from the air. An aquatic garden is a delicate ecosystem where plant life, fish, insects, and beneficial bacteria coexist in harmony. For this reason, it’s a great educational tool to learn how natural systems work. The accompanying resource outlines more steps on how to create this aquatic feature. For more backyard living ideas check out our latest blog post on Backyard Living Trends.

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